Call For Papers

Submissions Portal

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Call for papers

We are looking for papers to help support the work that delegates will be doing both during and after the conference. Your research will be reviewed via a singe blind process and then included in the library for all teachers to be able to access. Your contribution will ensure that objectivity forms the basis of all decisions taken.

if it is your intention to speak at the conference then please use the speaker application form which can be found here

Please fill in your details here. This will allow us to get in touch with you if we require further information for the review process.
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Please select the session(s) which your paper is relevant to. Papers will be generally available to all delegates throughout the conference but this will help us understand where best to make your paper available. You can find out more about each session here.
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Please help us understand how you intend to help guide delegates towards understanding the topic(s) you have chosen to speak on. A general description is sufficient. Opportunity will be provided later to expand upon this description.
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Please let us know how we can help you. Check the appropriate fields and fill in any other comments that you may have. These fields have no bearing on your selection as speaker.
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