Road Map

A long journey ahead

15 Apr 2021


The goal during this period is to gain a very thorough understanding of the state of education globaly. What is being taught, how it is being taught and some basic insight into what is actually driving learning outcomes. We started this part of the project in 2021 and it has continued since then.

15 Apr 2021

March 27 2024

Scoping and Use Cases

The main goal of the conference is to review what has been done in terms of development since April and create a set of use cases to help guide future development of the final application.

April 2024


Immediately after the conference, the use cases generated by the delegates will be handed over to the development team. These will be weighed against the insights gained during the research phase to create the scope of the final application.

April 2024

February 2025

Beta Release

A session will be convened to give delegates who attended a first view of the application. This will be a combination of in person and online. Essentially they will become the beta testers for the application.

March 2025

Alpha Release

If beta testing proceeds as planned without any major issues arising, the production version of the application will be made generally available. At this point, anyone in the world will be able to access CCEF3.

March 2025

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