

All hands on deck!

In a perfect world we would be able to pay everyone for their contribution to hosting a successful, world class conference. There are many tasks that need to be accomplished before the conference even starts and we need all hands on deck! There are many ways that you can get involved and best of all they will cost you nothing more than a few moments of your time. 

Free Access

Certain volunteer positions will be eligible for free, in-person delegate access to the conference. Places are limited so be sure to join as soon as you can!

Governance Committee

Spread The Word

The biggest cost associated with running a conference is reaching the right people and this is where you can have the biggest impact. We have created a simple strategy to reach potential delegates who will be able to help us make the deep meaningful changes we would all like to see in education. Simply click the link below, fill in their details and send them a single personalised email letting them know about the conference. Help us amplify our message today.


Being bilingual is one of the greatest gifts! If you speak more than one language then we definitely need your skill. There are many pages that need to be translated so that we can make the website and the resulting conference documents accessible to delegates from around the world. If you can, please help us get the message out in your language.

Story Teller

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you have a natural art for creating graphic content then this is where you can have the biggest impact. There are many complicated themes that delegates need to unpack and we would love to have you represent them visually to make them more accessible to people all over the world. We will guide you through the process and any revenue you earn from social media will be yours to keep.


Coordinating an international conference on the scale of CCEF3 is a giant task. We need people to take care of specific tasks that will help the team focus on creating the best possible experience for all the delegates who will be attending the conference. If you have great management skills, then we defintely need your help to keep us on track!


CCEF3 is designed as a learning conference. The flow of the conference will guide delegates through a collection of narratives that will help them understand the bigger picture behind learning. The groups in which the delegates will work are going to need facillitators to help keep the delegates on task so that we accomplish all of the goals of the conference. If you have great people skills and are able to manage a team, then we have the perfect opportunity for you.


We appreciate that not everyone has the time or ability to be able to physically assist the conference so we have a donation option available for those who would still like to be involved. Funds will be used to cover the administration costs associated with the running of the conference.

Free Conference Access

help us help you

All volunteers will receive FREE delegate access in return for their contribution. This is a  great way to become an active member of the CCEF3 community.


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