In Person Delegate

Interactive group work

Help to define the future of learning

On-site delegates will be able to participate in groups and get hands on with the tasks associated with the development of the final application. Through carefully faciliated sessions, on-site delegates will enjoy an interactive learning experience while contributing their thoughts and ideas on how to overcome the challenges the application will face upon final release.

Getting it done

Event Programme

Day 1 / March 25

9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - The Sum of All Parts

Main Plenary / TBA

The day's theme is understanding the greater purpose of learning in society. Having a shared, objective reality is essential to a functional society and the theme for the day will guide delegates towards an understanding of the crucial role learning plays in our lives and in shaping the societies we live in.

Educational Theme : Facilitating learning versus teaching
A growing trend, is a shift in focus from teaching to facilitating learning. This implies creating an environment in which students feel inspired to take ownership of their own learning. A founding principle of CCEF3 is the integration of the theory of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD: Vygotsky (1978) into almost every aspect of the application. In this way teachers are able to guide students towards being able to learn on their own. More than content, we need to understand the impact that the how of teaching has the way in which perceptions of the world are shaped.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Reflection

Floor Discussion / TBA
This is an open discussion about what the delegates heard during the keynote address. It is designed to guide the group towards a shared understanding of the core issues.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session

Group Work / TBA
Working in groups, delegates will work on specifying the eventual functionality of the application. For the first day, the focus will be on the core principles that will guide the development of the final application. Each group has a detailed list of tasks to help guide them towards their goal.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Capturing the day's work in digital format is the last task of the day. The aim is to present the days learnings to the development team and the wider teaching community.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA

Panel discussions for the day will focus on the purpose of learning in the context of society and the role it has to play in the future


6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the day's highlights.

Day 2 / March 26

9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - The Past is Now

Main Plenary / TBA

The day's theme takes a deep dive into history and the important role it plays in shaping our perceptions and influencing our future actions. As the volume of information available to each us increase exponentially each day, being able to make sense of the information we are consuming is an essential skill.

Educational Theme : Critical Thinking

The rise of social media has highlighted the importance of the skill of being able to critically analyze information. With more information available to us than ever before, it is important that we are able to help our young learners make sense of this all. Critical thinking thus needs to be woven into the very fabric of education. In this way, learners will be able to acquire this essential skill.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Reflection

Floor Discussion / TBA
The guided reflection for the day will focus on understanding how we build an accurate, unbiased picture of history. This foundation is important for the functioning of the application.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session

Group Work / TBA
The breakout session will look very specifically at a new concept called "delegated governance". This will probably be one of the most challenging discussions for the groups as it touches on reaching group consensus.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Capturing the day's work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for the development team and the wider teaching community.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
The panel discussion on this day will focus on the concept of corporate governance and flow into how we can borrow these principles for the application.

6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the days highlights.

Day 3 / March 27

9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - Ubuntu

Main Plenary / TBA

Globalization has brought us closer together and the sense of ubuntu that was once so easy in the village setting seems more difficult than ever to achieve. The day focuses on our rapidly expanding global village and the implications this has for learning.

At the heart of all we do as teachers are our students. Each one unique and individual. Our application is on the verge of being able to offer fully differentiated learning on a per student basis. It becomes important to understand how we leverage diversity and adapt knowledge acquisition strategies to achieve better learning outcomes.

Educational Theme : Diversity and Personalized Learning
Globalization has physically brought us closer together but in many ways it has also driven us further apart. Our young learners are going to have to understand how to successfully navigate an increasingly culturally diverse society. It falls to teachers to create an environment that shows how to do this by example. Managing diversity in the classroom will become a growing challenge for teachers all over the world. Furthermore, preparing students to apply knowledge in a diverse world with often divergent views and opinions will be a new hurdle for teachers to overcome.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Reflection

Floor Discussion / TBA
Reflection for the day will seek to draw experiences from the delegates about their own particular countries. This group introspection will help prepare delegates for the day's tasks ahead.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session

Group Work / TBA
Groups will talk about the impact of internationalization on the application. As a shared view of a common human activity, the application will need to be cognizant of the subtle nuances in the way learning occurs around the world.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Capturing the day's work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for the development team and the wider teaching community.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
The panel discussion on this day will discuss the growing "transactionalisation" of our communities and how education perhaps feeds this process. This will be an edgy and often time controversial vivisection of the current state of our global society.

6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the day's highlights.

Day 4 / March 28

9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - Into The Unknown

Main Plenary / TBA

The future is where we are headed regardless of how well prepared we are or otherwise. The last day is all about creativity and how we will handle the challenges that we will surely face as we head into what is ostensibly an unknowable future.

Educational Theme : Technology and the classroom
The gains we are making in I.C.T are staggering and far out pace our own ability to understand how to take advantage of them let alone their eventual impact on our societies. There are vast implication for teachers in the classroom today and our learners in their future lives. Understanding the role that I.C.T will have in the classroom will be crucial in ensuring that it is impactful in a positive way.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Reflection

Floor Discussion / TBA
Having been through the work that has already been done on CCEF3, the last day is a chance for teachers to talk about the future. A chance for teachers to share their hopes for the future and the tools they feel they need to bring meaningful and positive change to learning.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session

Group Work / TBA
The last break out session of conference is designed to give delegates space to identify gaps in the application specification. They will be tasked with creating a wishlist of features they feel will help improve the learning outcomes of their students.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Capturing the day's work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for the development team and the wider teaching community.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
The panel discussion on this day will focus on our learners and what it is exactly that we are preparing them for. While this is not an easy discussion and consensus perhaps unobtainable, it is still one that needs to be had for the sake of the learnings it will provide.

6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The closing plenary will wrap up the entire conference and give a clear picture of the roadmap that will follow.

Day 5 / March 29

9:00 - 17:00

Consolidation - System Charter

Main Plenary / TBA

Before deciding on which features need to be included in the final application, a system charter will be developed based on the conference results. This will be a set of guiding principles that will govern how data is managed on the system with a view to ensuring 100% transparency. Essentially this document will be a combination of SLAs and KPIs that will apply to the final application.

Day 6 / March 30

9:00 - 18:00

Consolidation - Application scoping

Main Plenary / TBA
Application scoping is the process of determining what the application needs to be able to do in order to meet learning needs as identified throughout the conference. This will be left to a smaller team of delegates who will work in groups to summarise conference content into actionable steps. If you are interested in joining please indicate this at the time you apply.
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