
Panelist Application

Start a discussion

If you would like to become a panelist or suggest someone to become a panelist, please fill out the form here.

Stimulating Discussion

The end of each day will be a panel discussion that will help to consolidate the days work. These discussions are an important part of helping to package the work we have done and give it a clear, succinct context. A good panelist will:

  1. be able to engage in vigorous discussion 
  2. be an expert in their field of work
  3. share insights that are tangible and add value for the attendees

The panel discussions will be guided by the Conference MC who will be tasked with ensuring that discussions stay on point. The goal of the panel discussions is to give delegates a chance to discuss in a broader forum the ideas they pursued during the day. This form of shared learning will be crucial in ensuring we reach our end frame of consensus with regards to the scope of the application.

Panelist Support

A full brief will be given to each panelist with regards the topic that will be discussed for that day. In addition, the conference MC will guide the panelists to ensure that the discussions progress smoothly.

Where deemed necessary, the governance committee may cover certain costs relating to the panelist joining the conference. This will be decided on a case by case basis. 

The language for the conference will be English so we are asking panelists to only apply if they are able to engage fluently in discussions.

For the delegates

With delegates coming from diverse backgrounds and cultures, our panelists have the formidable task of helping to clarify complex topics cross culturally. The panel discussions will be interactive in nature to give delegates a chance to ask clarifying questions.

Delegates will find the sessions informative and leave a a clear, concise understanding of the work they have done during the day. The aim is to drive our delegate thinking towards consensus on key issues. 

Day One - The role of learning in society

The theme of the day talks about learning in society and why it is important. We take modern education for granted but there was a time when it was not the norm. The speaker will have a clear understanding of the core societal problems that education seeks to solve.

Delegates who attend this session will leave with a clear understanding of how education impacts the development of society and the key societal issues it addresses.


Day Two - Credibility of Data in the Digital Age

An understanding of history, the “how” of “why we are here” is key to help us make informed decisions for the future. The speaker for this session will help highlight why an understanding of history is important by illustrating how perceptions of history have impacted decision making.

Delegates will leave understanding that a thorough understanding of the past has a vast impact on the quality of decision we make about the future.


Day Three - The Culture of Globalisation

Our interconnected world has implications for all of us. The internet has brought us all closer together but paradoxically has created a more polarised world that is breaking down existing social structures. The speaker will be able to provide a bird's eye view of our globalised world and the implications this has for future generations’ learning needs.

Delegates will gain a good understanding of the role they play in the globalised world and be able to juxtapose this with learning for the future.


Day Four - The Challenge of AI to Humanity

The human condition is unique. We are all unique. We are on the verge of creating an application that will allow, for the first time, fully differentiated learning on a per student basis. Our challenge is explaining in simple terms what exactly the human condition is. The speaker during this session will be able to illustrate simply yet effectively what exactly it means to be human.

Delegates will be able to understand why the learning experience is unique for each of us from the perspective of the human condition.


Day Five - The failings of the modern education system

As difficult as it is, the future needs to be understood in some form. Emerging trends play a big role in shaping our future and the speaker for this session will be able to identify the major themes that will eventually shape our future.

Delegates will have a clearer picture of what could potentially influence the future and more importantly how it will do so. 

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