
Help usinform engageinspireour conference delegates.

About the committee

Engaging with the teaching community

The outreach committee is tasked with being the interface between the conference and the global teaching community. The conference goals are multifaceted and explaining them simply and clearly via traditional marketing channels will prove to be extremely difficult.

Ideally, we would like to create rich interactions with the global teaching community so that their needs and concerns are heard and translated into actionable objectives. Outreach committee members will be responsible for communicating the conference message to teachers in clear and simple terms.

Different from the Governance Committee who oversee the big tasks of the conference, the Outreach Committee play a more communicative role. The aim is to create a grassroots movement to capture the imaginations of teachers to help build an application that will help secure excellent learning outcome for all students.


The Outreach Committee members:

  • Automatically receive a free delegate pass to the conference
  • Assistance with travel expenses to the conference
  • Free delegate pack regardless of attendance
  • Members can delegate an institution for discounted conference rates
  • A member profile will appear on the conference website
  • A member profile will be printed in the conference pamphlet

Time Commitment

The outreach committee will meet once a month with a member of the governance committee to discuss progress and any challenges that they may be facing. Each meeting will be an hour and schedule for 8pm JST. Meeting days will be on weekends so as not to interfere with work schedules and other commitments the outreach committee may have.

Other than meetings, outreach committee members are free to organise their time as they wish. All the tools required such email templates, artwork etc. will all be provided so that there is no additional work envisaged for them to complete their responsibilities.



Main Responsibilities

The main goal of the outreach committee is to connect with teachers from around the globe to help grow conference attendance organically. Education is incredibly complex and we have to have a clear and consistent message delivered to potential delegates. The best way to do this is via one on one interactions that stimulate interest and thus engage teachers in the conference goals. 

The activities that will help achieve this are:

              • Reaching out to colleagues to talk about the conference
              • Posting messages and reminders on social media
              • Reminding colleagues to signup to the application to assist with beta testing

Relevant templates will be provided to assist with the above. The main objective of the outreach committee is to help us breakthrough the noise of social media by engaging with the teaching community one on one. We believe that this will be crucial in securing organic growth and ensuring that the conference is a resounding success.

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