Call For Papers

Help us inform and influence

Your submissions will be the basis for all discussions going forward.

Our call for papers is as unique as the conference itself. We are looking for submissions to help support the work that we will be undertaking both during and after the conference has ended. We would love to hear from you and give you a chance to be part of this once in a generation event.

A unique Call for Papers

As an expert in field of educational research, the organising committee of the CCEF3 2024 conference welcomes you to submit your research to support the work that will be done by delegates attending the conference.

The conference will be an excellent venue for you to present you work and connect with other experts in your field. This will be a chance for you to make a meaningful and long lasting contribution to the advancement of education globally.

Taking the lead in innovating education, we are also taking an entirely different approach to our call for papers. We would like to give equal opportunity to all researchers to have their voices heard. We realise that it is not possible for us to give speaking opportunities to everyone but equally that there is value in the good work that you have done.

Part of the application we are building will foster a greater understanding of the underlying techniques that create value in the classroom by linking the information found on the application with solid, peer reviewed research.

There are three kinds of submissions you can make:

Submission to Speak

This will give you a chance to present your research during the conference as a speaker. We will cover the costs for you to attend and give you a 30 minute spot to speak with our delegates. The goal is to help align thinking so that we can reach our goal of consensus on key issues. 



Submission deadline:

November 30, 2023


Decision date:

Within two weeks of submission


Submission guidelines: 

Please submit your full research paper, including the abstract.

Papers - no more than 1600 words

Abstracts - approximately 300 words

Delegate Support Paper

The conference is broken up in to five themes which are designed to help bring us closer to being able to provide quality, free education for any person anywhere on the planet. Your submissions will be made available to delegates so that they can use your work as a reference where they lack knowledge themselves. 



Submission deadline:

February 29, 2023


Decision date:

With two weeks of submission


Submission guidelines: 

Please submit your full research paper, including the abstract. 

Papers - no more than 1600 words

Abstracts - approximately 300 words

Library Paper

In the same way that delegates can reference your research, users of the application will also be able to understand the reasoning behind the lesson plans, activities and materials on the system. The goal is to ensure that discussions around what to do in the classroom are supported by objectively.



Submission deadline:



Decision date:

User reviewed / Ongoing


Submission guidelines: 

Please submit your full research paper, including the abstract. 

Papers - No Limit

Abstracts - approximately 300 words

Which ever form of submission you choose, you can rest assured that you will be helping to create a solid body of knowledge to help us objectively move towards a future where quality education is a right enshrined at birth for all humans. 

We look forward to hearing your voice amplified during the conference and beyond.


Review Process

As you know, predatory conferences are a great threat to the legitimacy and integrity of academia as a whole. We want you, and the scientific community, to be confident that all content presented at this event is thoroughly vetted and reviewed. That is why we will be using a single-blind review process to evaluate all submissions. 


Next steps

Submit your paper through the link above

You will receive a confirmation email letting you know that we’ve received your application.

We’ll reach out within two weeks to let you know if your application was successful

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this process.

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