Spread The Word

total audience reach

We want to make sure that the funds raised during the conference all go towards application development. A big cost for a conference is marketing so if you can help us create a database of like minded individuals, this will save us a great deal of time and money.


All you need to do is:

1. Use the form (scroll down if you need) to send a message. Just THREE people is enough.
2. Contact the people you emailed directly and ask them to do the same.

This is all you need to do to help us reach out goal. 


Tip: Use the back button and just update the "Receiver" portion.

Spread The Word

Thank you for helping us spread the word. Please fill in the form below and we will send an email on your behalf. You can preview the email we will send here. Your contacts will have the option of opting out of further communications.

We will send a maximum of TWO emails to your contact. The email you are initiating now and ONE reminder if they have not responded within a week.
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Please fill in the details for the person you wish to send this to.
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Invalid Input
Adding a second recipient is option. You can simply click next if you don't want to add someone else.

We will send a maximum of TWO emails to your contact. The email you are initiating now and ONE reminder if they have not responded within a week.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Adding a third recipient is option. You can simply click next if you don't want to add someone else.

We will send a maximum of TWO emails to your contact. The email you are initiating now and ONE reminder if they have not responded within a week.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
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