
Gina Skubanelli
Gina SkubanelliEducation Liaison Director

Gina ensures that the needs of educators and students remain front and centre at all times.

Passionate about education

Gina has been involved with child rearing and education in some capacity for over twenty years. A stint early on in her teaching career at a bilingual school in Japan piqued her interest in language acquisition.

Ms. Skubanelli obtained her master’s degree in Dual Language Immersion Education from the University of Minnesota, USA and is dedicated to educating teachers and administrators how to effectively teach language through content. Gina has taught in the U.S., Japan, Morocco, and Indonesia as an elementary homeroom teacher as well as an EAL/DLI specialist. She is currently teaching and developing a bilingual program within an established international school in Switzerland.

Her role on the Governance Committee is focused on ensuring that educational best practices are understood and maintained throughout development of the application. The main aim of the applicaiton is to create better learning outcomes for students across the world and in order to achieve this educators will need more support.

Her vast experience of having taught in many countries around the world will prove invaluable to helping create a truly internationalised application.  

Legal Advisory

Lynn has a strong educational background which has allowed her to amass a wealth of experience working in several public and private law sectors around the world. 

Having been engaged in such diverse sectors as Public Policy, Advocacy, Human Rights, Immigration, Contract, and Compliance Law, she is perfectly placed to help navigate the various aspects involved with bringing our vision to life.

She is an advocate for Law and Educational Empowerment and brings a passion to her role on the governance committee. Her energy and enthusiasm for her work serves as inspiration not just to the governance committee but also the lives she touches through the important work that she does.

Lynn MacKenzie J.D., LLM
Lynn MacKenzie J.D., LLMLegal Advisory

Ms Mackenzie assists the governance committee with ensuring all aspects of the project are compliant with any relevant laws.

Sonja Clarke
Sonja ClarkeBusiness Liaison Director

Ms. Clarke acts as a link between the business community and the conference helping us to ensure that a key output of the final application will be economically productive members of society.

Business Cooperation

Sonja is a highly experienced, respected and astute Director / Chairperson, Business Executive, entrepreneur and consultant with over 28 years’ experience in various industries including banking, tourism, logistics, manufacturing, investment, consulting, finance and real estate.

An expert strategist with strong organizational, people and performance management skills, I have a proven record in adding value in areas such as Freight logistics, import, and exports, Chambers of commerce, Trade Attaches, or Embassies. Strategy on bilateral trade and trade relations. I have consistently and successfully merged management and leadership skills in creating systems, companies, and teams that produce results.

Dynamic and results-driven, I have a career distinguished by success in organizational leadership, principal consultant and C-Level positions. Accustomed to and effective in senior-level executive roles, making high-stakes decisions and overcoming complex business challenges. Decisive, interactive, motivational management style with a pragmatic approach to problem-solving.

With extensive business experience and professional relationships management skills, Sonja is responsible for ensuring that the work we do during the conference is of economic value. 

One of the principle stakeholders is the business community and their needs must be understood and incorporate into development if the application is to be value to society. While a formidable task, no one is better placed to handle this responsibility than Ms. Clarke.

Pedagogical Discipline

Jeremy obtained his PhD in Educational Leadership and Technology in the USA; his Master of Science in Marketing and Global Communications in the UK; and his Bachelor in Business Administration in Jamaica. 

His transnational and cross cultural education has enabled him to work in different areas in Education and Business in various countries. Jeremy’s area of research is in Andragogy, Gerontology and Marketing to the elderly solidifying his two-fold passion that of the energy and fast paced competitiveness of the marketing field but also his unrequited love for Education, specifically teaching.

Dr. Chambers has taught for over sixteen years in the higher education and further education sectors in Jamaica, South Korea, Japan and the United Kingdom. His professional ideals are led by Malcom X’s famous mantra, ‘Education remains the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.’

Being widely published in peer review journals and books he understands the need for discipline and a thorough approach to ensuring that information on the application is accurate and reliable. 


Dr. Chambers is responsible for ensuring that pedagogical best practice is applied where it relates to teaching methodologies being promoted on the application.

Jeremy Chambers
Jeremy ChambersPedagogical Director

Dr. Chambers guides the conference content to ensure that it is founded on solid, peer reviewed research.

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