
A Working Beta

Designed to help us learn

The current application that delegates will have access to has been defined as a "Working Beta".

In the programming world, BETA refers to application that has entered the testing phase of its lifecyle. This allows users to test drive the application with a view to ensuring that the final application will be closely wrapped around user needs.

In our case, we had arrived at an ALPHA or production version before realising that there were serveral issues that we needed to address. These issues were not necessarily related to any specific application functionality or lack thereof. They were clustered around the larger constellation of issues relating to how the application would be integrated into society. 

In order to avoid falling victim to the law of unintended consequences, a decision was taken to halt further development and present the work to date to our key stakeholders. In this way, it was felt that we would end up with a better end product that would prove infinitely more utile and sginificantly less disruptive. 

The aim of the conference is to move the system back to a stable ALPHA. We have accepted that the current version of the application will need to change dramatically. The best way to understand the scope of what needed to be done was through an interactive forum where stake holders would be able to help guide the development of the final application. 

Interaction with stakeholders will be key in developing an application that will meet our global learning needs both now and in our indeterminate future

Thabelo Mancama

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The conference has been designed to foster an understanding of the challenges that teachers face around the world. The core belief behind CCEF3 is that learning is the most important human activity and economic success is reliant on good learning outcomes. The core goals of the conference are:

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