Ngôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lực

The schedule is probably where teachers will spend most of their time once they are all setup. This feature rich section of the application truly is the heart of CCEF3! It empowers teachers by freeing them from the daily grind of lesson planning and classroom management.

The schedule is designed primarily to allow teachers keep track of their teaching commitments. It has a simple yet powerful drag and drop interface that will allow teachers to quickly plan out their lessons for week, month or year.

Once lessons have been added to their schedule the magic begins. If teachers know in advance what they are going to be teaching in a few days or weeks, this information can be added to the schedule entry. CCEF3 will scan all records in the database and look for teaching objects from around the world that match the goals teachers are trying to achieve.

Teachers can also invite colleagues to help them plan for a given lesson via a social planning interface that allows them to comment on their lesson. They can also suggest materials, activities and lesson plans to other teachers at any point in the discussion.

Once their lesson has been taught, teachers can add comments and specify additional materials or activities used so that CCEF3 can help them understand what tools are the most effective and what is is helping teachers meet their teaching goals. Recommendations for future classes can also be made. 


Ngôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lực

Lesson plans are essential in ensuring that teachers' students attain the learning outcome teachers set out to achieve. They give structure to what will happen in the precious little time that teachers have to impart knowledge to them.

We like to think of lesson plans as “strategic plans”. A good lesson plan will provide teachers with a bird’s eye view of what will be happening in the teaching period.

CCEF3 gives teachers a flexible framework that allows teachers to design lesson plans that will help teachers create an inspiring learning environment. Additionally they will help guide thought processes as teachers create them so that they think logically about what needs to be done or provided in order for students to successfully acquire whatever new knowledge is being made available to them.

A lesson plan is the second highest-level object in the system and consists of materials grouped into activities rolled up into a lesson plan.

Lesson plans are living objects so as soon as teachers add it to a class, we’ll automatically let teachers know what they need in order to be able to teach that lesson plan. We will answer crucial questions for teachers like:

  • Is this lesson plan pitched correctly for my students?
  • Does my school have the resources to teach this lesson plan?
  • Do my kids have the resources they need to complete the tasks?
  • How difficult is it to teach this lesson plan?
  • Will my students be able to cope with the content?
  • How much time will it take to teach this?
  • What materials will I need to be able to teach this?

A key feature of the system is the ability to search for and copy lesson plans. When teachers do this they instantly get the associated activities and materials copied to their account. Teachers can then edit these as they wish. In this way, teachers can quickly grow their teaching portfolio. CCEF3 will, of course, recommend items from a portfolio in a timely manner so that  classes are always fresh and engaging.



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In simple terms, these are the things we use to fill the time we have with our learners. A good activity is designed to highlight a learning point and inspire the learners to explore the subject matter at hand.

CCEF3 allows teachers to combine materials together to form activities that they can use to engage with students. As with lesson plans, activities allow teachers to break down the time they will spend with their learners to give them very fine grained control of the learning experience. Each step can further be illustrated with pictures for clarity of message allowing other teachers to easily implement great ideas in their own classrooms.

Setting up an activity allows teachers to logically walk through the steps that they will need to accomplish to successfully run the activity. For each step even specifying tiny details like what needs to be said, what the learners need to do and which steps are critical to success and thus should not be skipped can be defined. 

Activities can be saved, edited  and then recalled later either by search or in combination with the schedule, when relevant to the progress of a class.

Activities are geared towards being shared so they are structured in such a way as to provide detailed information to any teacher to whom these objects are suggested. They can also be automatically translated to any language.

Our vision for activities is that they can be used to define a method through which learning can be achieved. 

Ngôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lực

Materials are the principle tools through which knowledge is transferred to our learners. They are challenging because they take a long time to prepare and often we only ever use them once and then forget about them. Most of our preparation time for lessons is spent and sadly often wasted here.

CCEF3 takes a fresh approach to materials. Materials can be digitally stored or referenced online and then tagged so that they can be categorized for easy use.

“Generators”  allow teachers to create dynamic materials for the classes. A generator can create multiple versions of a worksheet designed for different levels of ability in one click. This is the first stage in creating a truly differentiated classroom. This is one of the core discussion topics for the CCEF3 2024. 

As with all objects on the system, you can copy, share and edit these as you wish. 


Ngôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lựcNgôi sao không hiệu lực

Classes are groupings of learners. These can be as small as just one person or as large as one hundred people. 

Classes are a way of helping the system collate insight for teachers in the schedule. They help teachers understand the needs of the learners in that group and how they are responding to the teaching they are receiving. 

In a more global sense, classes help the system identify similar groupings of students from other geographical regions so that insight can be shared. In this way teachers are not just limited to understanding what works in their own region but are also given a neat package of ideas from other countries.

Classes also help when it comes to collaboration. If a teacher requests assistance in planning for a class, they can simply share the class history with other teachers who can then provide more relevant assistance. In this way collaborating benefits not just from narrow artificial intelligence but also from human input. 

This makes classes one of the most useful objects on the system.


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