Register Now!

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Please enter the delegate details in the form below. These details will be used throughout the conference to personalise communications with you or the delegate you are registering on behalf of. Once you have entered your details, your account on the application CCEF3 will also be created.

Please be sure:

  • you have read the terms and conditions
  • you are available for the duration of the conference

We are asking for a lot of your time and appreciate your willingness to help build what will become a ground breaking application for education.

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Please choose the level of participation to which you would like to get involved.
0.00 USD
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Please select delegate type.
Please select a payment method.
Please let us know how we can help you. Check the appropriate fields and fill in any other comments that you may have. We will be in touch to help you organise the things you need to join the conference.
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Please be sure that you have read the standard terms and conditions before you proceed with your booking. They contain important information. You can find a copy here:

Booking Terms

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