Virtual Delegate

Virtual interaction

Help to define the future of learning

With limited on-site places and potential travel restrictions with regards COVID-19, you have the option to attend virtually. Delegates in the group will be able to work with on-site groups and actively contribute to the important work of the conference.

Getting it done

Event Programme

Day 1 / March 25

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the day's link via ZOOM. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance provided for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - The Sum of All Parts

Main Plenary / TBA
The day's theme is understanding the greater purpose of learning in society. Having a shared, objective reality is essential to a functional society. The theme for the day will guide delegates towards an understanding of the crucial role learning plays in our lives.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Breakout Rooms

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be also assigned to groups to discuss what they have heard during the opening plenary. Each group will generate a summary which will be shown on screen during the main, onsite session.

This is an open discussion about what the delegates heard during the keynote address. It is designed to guide the group towards a shared understanding of the core issues.

11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Sessions [OPTIONAL]

Group Work / TBA
Virtual delegates will have the option of joining a group via ZOOM and contributing to the discussions
The breakout session will look very specifically at a new concept called "delegated governance". This will probably be one of the most challenging discussions for groups.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to review and comment on the documentation as it is generated. Their comments will form part of the final documentation of the application scoping.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend panel discussions and post questions virtual via social media.

Capturing the days work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for he development team and the wider teaching community.

Panel discussions for the day will focus on the purpose of learning in the context of society and the role it has to play in the future


6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the days highlights.

Day 2 / March 26

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the days link via zoom. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance provided for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - The Past is Now

Main Plenary / TBA
The day's theme takes a deep dive into history and the important role it plays in shaping our perceptions and influencing our future actions.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Breakout Rooms

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be assigned to random groups to discuss what they have heard during the opening plenary. Each group will generate a summary which will be shown on screen during the main, onsite session.

The guided reflection for the day will focus on understanding how we build an accurate, unbiased picture of history. This foundation is important for the functioning of the application.

11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session [OPTIONAL]

Group Work / TBA
Virtual delegates will have the option of joining a group via Zoom and contributing to the discussions
The breakout session will look very specifically at a new concept called "delegated governance". This will probably be one of the most challenging discussions for groups.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to review and comment on the documentation as it happens. Their comments will form part of the final documentation of the application scoping.

Capturing the days work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for he development team and the wider teaching community.

15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend panel discussions and post questions virtually via social media.

The panel discussion on this day will focus on the concept of corporate governance and flow into how we can borrow these principles for the application.


6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the days highlights.

Day 3 / March 27

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the day's link via ZOOM. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance provided for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - Ubuntu

Main Plenary / TBA
Globalization has brought us closer together and the sense of ubuntu that was once so easy in the village setting seems more difficult than ever to achieve. The day focuses on our global village and the implications this has for learning.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Breakout Rooms

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be assigned to random groups to discuss what they have heard during the opening plenary. Each group will generate a summary which will be shown on screen during the main, onsite session.

Reflection for the day will seek to draw experiences from the delegates about their own particular countries. This group introspection will help prepare delegates for the day's tasks ahead.

11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session [OPTIONAL]

Group Work / TBA
Virtual delegates will have the option of joining a group via ZOOM and contributing to the discussions.
Groups will talk about the impact of internationalization on the application. As a shared view of a common human activity, the application will need to be cognizant of the subtle nuances in the way learning occurs around the world.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to review and comment on the documentation as it happens. Their comments will form part of the final documentation of the application scoping. Capturing the days work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for he development team and the wider teaching community.
15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend panel discussions and post questions virtually via social media. The panel discussion on this day will focus on the concept of corporate governance and flow into how we can borrow these principles for the application.

6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the days highlights.

Day 4 / March 28

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the days link via ZOOM. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - Umuntu

Main Plenary / TBA
At the heart of all we do as teachers are our students. Each one unique and individual. Our application is on the verge of being able to offer fully differentiated learning on a per student basis. Today focuses on understanding what this means exactly plus its implications.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Breakout Rooms

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be assigned to random groups to discuss what they have heard during the opening plenary. Each group will generate a summary which will be shown on screen during the main, onsite session. All teachers were once students so this days reflection will give delegates the chance to share their own personal experiences from their school days.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session [OPTIONAL]

Group Work / TBA
Virtual delegates will have the option of joining a group via Zoom and contributing to the discussions.
During breakout sessions, delegates will discuss what differentiation means and how it should be implemented. A central discussion point will be Continuous Dynamic Evaluation or C.D.E which is a core principle of the application.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to review and comment on the documentation as it happens. Their comments will form part of the final documentation of the application scoping.

Capturing the days work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for he development team and the wider teaching community.

15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend panel discussions and post questions virtually via social media.

The panel discussion on this day will focus on the concept of corporate governance and flow into how we can borrow these principles for the application.


6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the days highlights.

Day 5 / March 29

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the day's link via ZOOM. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance provided for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Scope Setting - Into The Unknown

Main Plenary / TBA
The future is where we are headed whether we like it or not. The last day is all about creativity and how we will handle the challenges that we will surely face but as of now we are unaware of.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Breakout Rooms

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be assigned to random groups to discuss what they have heard during the opening plenary. Each group will generate a summary which will be shown on screen during the main, onsite session.
Having been through the work that has already been done on CCEF3, the last day is a chance for teachers to talk about the future. A chance for teachers to share their hopes for the future and the tools they feel they need to bring meaningful and positive change to learning.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Breakout Session [RECOMMENDED]

Group Work / TBA
Virtual delegates will join the option of joining a group via Zoom and contributing to the discussions.
The last break out session of conference is designed to give delegates space to identify gaps in the application specification. They will be tasked with creating a wishlist of features they feel will help improve the learning outcomes of their students.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15

4. Documentation

Digital Capture / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to review and comment on the documentation as it happens. Their comments will form part of the final documentation of the application scoping.

Capturing the days work in digital format is the last task of the day. The goal is to prepare learnings for he development team and the wider teaching community.

15:30 -17:00

5. Panel Discussions

Forum Talk / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend panel discussions and post questions virtually via social media.

The panel discussion on this day will focus on the concept of corporate governance and flow into how we can borrow these principles for the application.


6. Closing Plenary

Summation / TBA
The last portion of the day is a quick summation of the day's highlights.

Day 6 / March 30

8:00 - 9:00

Virtual Registration

Delegates will login to the day's link via ZOOM. There will be preliminary checks for connectivity and assistance provided for any issues.
9:00 - 10:00

1. Final Plenary

Final Plenary / TBA
The final day's keynote will be an in depth explanation of CCEF3 and the future path we intend to take. Delegates will learn about the journey taken thus far and some of the core principles that guide development. The content will be shaped around the information gathered during the conference so that a more accurate picture of the development path can be given.
10:15 - 11:00

2. Virtual Q & A

Floor Discussion / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to engage with the keynote and ask questions during a open discussion. Questions will be posted via social media.
11:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 13:00

3. Summation

Presentation / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend via live stream.
This session will cover all the work that has been done over the last few days and over a brief overview of what was discussed and the key takeaways.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 ~ 15:00

4. Road Map

Presentation / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend via live stream.
The last session will be designed to give delegates an idea of what to expect from the time the conference ends till the application is released.
16:00 ~

Networking Session

Party / TBA
Virtual delegates will be able to attend via mobile robot.
Delegates will have the rest of the day to network and join in fun planned activities designed to further the relationships formed during the conference.
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