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Sponsor Future Opportunity

The rise of AI will bring about significant changes in the way we work and live, and it will require people to be more adaptable in terms of their skills. Especially for the continent, we cannot continue to educate in the same way we did at the start of the industrial revolution and still hope to be able to participate actively in the future economy. The principle changes that AI will bring are:


  1. Automation of repetitive tasks: AI can automate repetitive tasks, which means that many jobs that are currently performed by humans will no longer exist. This will require people to learn new skills that cannot be easily automated.

  2. New job opportunities: While some jobs will be lost due to automation, new jobs will also be created that require skills that cannot be easily automated. For example, AI may create new job opportunities in fields such as data science, machine learning, and robotics.

  3. Changing nature of work: AI will change the nature of work, and people will need to adapt to this change. For example, some jobs may require more collaboration with machines or other workers, while others may require a higher degree of technical expertise.

  4. Continuous learning: The rise of AI will require people to engage in continuous learning to keep up with the latest technologies and advancements. This means that people will need to be more adaptable and willing to learn new skills throughout their careers.

The rise of AI will require people to be more adaptable in terms of their skills to remain competitive in the job market and take advantage of new job opportunities that emerge. Our goal is to build a globally accessible platform that will support continuous learning. In this way the global economy we have created can continue to thrive with Africa playing a central role. 

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